Petawawa Animal Hospital

3261 Petawawa Blvd.
Petawawa, ON K8H 1X8


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Ticks and Mosquito Season is almost year round!!!

With the warmer weather comes pests that we need to protect our pets from. The following is information on ticks and heartworm to help you make the best choice for preventing diseases in your pet.

What you need to know about Ticks and how to prevent them:

  • They can now be found in many areas across Canada
  • They start looking for a blood meal when the temperature reaches 0°C
  • They can transmit diseases-such as Lyme Disease-by feeding on pets and people
  • The best time to start protecting your pet is before exposure
  • There is a vaccine available to help prevent your pet from getting Lyme disease
  • We recommend using Nexgard/Nexgard Spectra once monthly from March-December

We have seen an increase in the number of ticks in the Petawawa area over the last couple years. Schools are even seeing them on students. Protect your pets, and your children. Come in and talk to us about what prevention is best for your pet!!

What you need to know about Heartworm and how to prevent it:

  • Heartworm is transmitted to dogs through infected mosquitos
  • Mosquitos transmit heartworm when the temperature is consistently above 14 degrees Celsius for more then 10 days
  • It takes about 4 months for the larvae to migrate to the heart and become adult worms
  • Signs of heartworm disease include fatigue, weight loss, and a chronic cough
  • Prevention can be as simple as a Heartgard/Nexgard Spectra chew once a month from June-November

Please read the attached pamphlets below for more information on Ticks and Heartworm and how to prevent them. Also, talk to your regular veterinarian about which prevention is best for you and your pet's lifestyle.

File NameDescription / Comment
H Heartgard Consumer Brochure
L Lyme Disease Brochure